Feline Care Cat Rescue

Roundham Road, United Kingdom, NR16 2QN

Feline Care is one of few charities in the UK that supports feral, strays and domestic cats

We offer all our cats a loving home with the hope of finding them their very own 'forever' home. At Feline Care our priority is cats and we love all cats. We want to help the cats who need us most and offer sanctuary to those who are truly unwanted by the world around them. All cats deserve the same rights to safety, love and care and at Feline Care we don't believe it's just the friendly and affectionate or young and healthy that deserve our help. We look forward to finding the perfect home for all the cats in our care while acknowledging some will happily live out their days knowing Feline Care is their home. We look forward to the day there are more homes than there are cats but for now we're here to be their security and sanctuary.

Contact Options
Feline Care Cat Rescue & Homing Centre, Roundham Road, United Kingdom, NR16 2QN