Cat Care and Advice

Free expert cat advice, from kitten care to older cats, indoor cat advice and plenty more. Your Cat wants to make every cat a happy cat!

Megacolon in cats
Vet Penny Clarke explains what is megacolon in cats
Your Cat's Health
My cat is being bullied
If your cat is getting bullied by other felines in your neighbourhood, this advice will help
Caring For Your Cat
Things that annoy cats… and how to avoid them
Without even realising it, you may be doing things that annoy your cat. Read on to discover human behaviours that annoy…
Understand Your Cat
How to cope when your cat is ill
"My cat is ill!" — we'll help you cope practically and emotionally
Your Cat's Health
Epilepsy in cats
When a cat has a fit, it is scary. Here's how to handle a cat seizure and what is feline epilepsy
Health Care
Cat sleeping guide
How do you know if your cat is getting good sleep?
Training tips: teach your cat to come when called
Follow these easy training tips and you'll soon have a cat that comes to you when you call him!
Train Your Cat
Wobbly cat syndrome
Cerebellar hypoplasia (wobbly cat syndrome) is a condition that gives felines a wobbly appearance. Here, vet Penny…
Your Cat's Health
What does my cat’s meow mean?
From purring to meowing… what is your cat trying to say?
Understand Your Cat