Understand Your Cat

Expert advice and top tips on how better to understand your cats behaviour. 

Why is my cat scared of men?
Does your cat seemed to be wary of certain people? Behaviourist Francesca Riccomini advises...
Understand Your Cat
My cat is scared of the dog!
Behaviourist Francesca Riccomini advises on introducing cats and dogs to each other for the first time.
Understand Your Cat
Are my two cats happy together?
How can you tell if your cats really enjoy each other's company? Behaviourist Francesca Riccomini advises...
Understand Your Cat
How to tell if your cat is stressed
How can you tell if your cat is stressed? Here are some tell-tale signs that tensions may be high...
Understand Your Cat
Is my cat over-grooming due to stress?
Unsure whether your cat is over-grooming because of stress? Find out the signs and treatments here.
Understand Your Cat
It hurts when my cat kneads me!
If it's painful when your cat kneads your lap, follow this advice so you can continue with the cuddles!
Understand Your Cat
Why doesn't my cat purr?
Ever wondered why your cat doesn't purr? If your cat doesn't purr, it doesn't mean he's unhappy. Find out more about why…
Understand Your Cat
Why does my cat miaow all the time?
Behaviourist Francesca Riccomini advises on how to stop your cat miaowing throughout the day and night.
Understand Your Cat
Why does my cat always want attention?
Does your cat always want your attention, even at night? Follow these tips to curb your cat's enthusiasm!
Understand Your Cat