Understand Your Cat

Expert advice and top tips on how better to understand your cats behaviour. 

Why does my cat always want attention?
Does your cat always want your attention, even at night? Follow these tips to curb your cat's enthusiasm!
Understand Your Cat
Can we stop our cat hunting?
Want to stop your cat hunting wildlife? Follow these tips from behaviourist Francesca Riccomini.
Understand Your Cat
Help settle our nervous ex-stray!
Welcomed an ex-stray into your home? Our behaviourist shares her advice about settling his nerves.
Understand Your Cat
Why does my cat hate wearing a collar?
Does your cat refuse to wear a collar? Read our behaviourists advice on introducing a collar with a safety buckle.
Understand Your Cat
She's terrified of the vet!
Is your cat scared of the vet? Follow these tips to make vet visits stress free for both you and your cat.
Understand Your Cat
My cat hates the cat carrier!
If your cat hates the cat carrier, follow these tips to make a trip out of the house much more bearable, for him and…
Understand Your Cat
My cat has a grooming phobia!
Does your cat hide every time the brush comes out? Follow these tips to ease your cat's grooming fears.
Understand Your Cat
Flower remedies to de-stress cats
We all experience situations that evoke fear and our pets are no exception. Angela Lowe looks at ways to keep your cat…
Understand Your Cat
Why do cats need attention?
For your cat to feel happy and secure, they need to know they are loved by you. You can do this by showing your…
Understand Your Cat