Caring For Your Cat

Expert cat advice and cat care tips
Do I need a balcony fence?
You must fence in the balcony with netting or mesh since it is quite common for cats to fall off balconies or topple out…
Caring For Your Cat
Do foxes attack cats?
A reader is concerned that a roaming fox nearby could cause harm to both her outdoor cats. Celia Haddon answers...
Caring For Your Cat
How do I stop a cat fight?
Is stopping cats from fighting the right thing to do? A reader asks cat expert Celia Haddon...
Caring For Your Cat
How do I stop my cat from hunting birds?
If you are worried about your cat hunting birds when outside, expert Celia Haddon offers some tips and advice on ways to…
Caring For Your Cat
Why does my cat sleep all the time?
Do cats normally sleep all day? Cat expert Celia Haddon explains...
Caring For Your Cat
Using Play to Bond with Your Cat
Playing with your cat can be a fun and fulfilling time for both of you. Clare Hemington shows you how to make the most…
Caring For Your Cat
My cat is petrified of the cat carrier!
A reader asks if she can make the cat carrier a less traumatic experience for her cat...
Caring For Your Cat
Top tips to keep your cat and your home flea-free
Fleas can cause a nuisance all year round. Here’s advice from Beaphar UK to keep the minute pests at bay.
Caring For Your Cat
Play for Solo Cats
Despite what we humans might think, cats actually quite like being the only one of their species in the home.
Caring For Your Cat