Want a career with cats?


If you'd like to pursue a career with cats, read our essential advice from pet columnist Celia Haddon.

Pet columinist and author Celia Haddon says: A full-time career with cats would probably have to involve working or volunteering in a rescue centre, in zoos that keep small and large cats, veterinary nursing in a cat-only vet surgery, becoming a cat groomer, or working for a boarding cattery. A good starting point would be to contact your local cat rescue centres and even catteries, with a view to start volunteering. This may well open up many different opportunities in cat welfare.

If you want to become a cat behaviourist, there are independent pet behaviour counsellors registered with the Centre of Applied Pet Ethology (COAPE) or Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors (APBC), but most of their work is with dogs not cats. If you want to go further down the road of becoming a behaviour counsellor, consult COAPE and the APBC directly for more information - but be prepared to spend a few years training! 

However, the various university degrees involving companion animal behaviour, mentioned on the APBC website, are also often slanted more towards dogs than cats. It's important that any course you choose is recognised by a governing body - best of luck.

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