How to keep your cat safe at Halloween


Crazy decorations, fancy costumes, and bowls full of delicious sweets, for us, Halloween is often a day of fun with family and friends. However, while we may love the ghoulish decorations and costumes, all these new noises, shapes, and surprises can be difficult for our pets to understand, especially when you add in excitable children and the doorbell going off every few minutes. Here’s how you can help your cat keep calm…

Keep them inside

Halloween is one of the most dangerous times of the year for outdoor cats. Unfortunately, alongside the spooky costumes that could frighten kitties, there are also spikes in animal abuse incidents during Halloween, especially against black cats. Protect your cats from any possible harm by keeping your cat safe in his home.

Keep them happy

If your cat usually has unlimited access to the outdoors, he may not be happy about being forced to stay indoors during Halloween. If your cat appears to be unhappy, spend some time soothing him by playing with him and petting him. You can also try giving your cat treats to make him feel calmer about being stuck inside.

Don’t force your cat to cuddle you if he’s clearly feeling scared, and try to treat your cat as you normally would, by just spending some quality time together.

A cat pheromone diffuser can also help calm your cat.

Trick or Treat?

For nervous pets, being around loud noises, new faces, or wearing a costume can be distressing (please never force your cat to wear a costume that they are not comfortable in). If you are going out trick or treating, ensure you cat is happy and safe inside, in the warm. Plus, make a conscious effort to be cautious when opening the door to any trick or treaters, just in case your cat tries to make a run for the outside.

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Hide sweets

Make sure to keep kitty away from any sweet treats. As tempting as it may be to share your goodies, these can be toxic to our pets. Get them some of their own cat treats to enjoy instead!

Be careful of lit pumpkins

Some people like to put candles inside carved pumpkins, and cats may inadvertently cause a fire or burn themselves if they knock it over. Never leave your cat unattended with a lit candle, even when it is inside a pumpkin.

The doorbell

If your cat gets worked up by the sound of the doorbell, Halloween can become a tricky time for both you and your furry friend. To support them through this, it’s best to keep them in the room furthest away from the front door if possible, or let them hide away wherever they feel safe, and don’t try and tempt them out from hiding. If the doorbell rings and your cat is in the room, remain calm so you’re not likely to spook them.

Halloween party

If you plan on having a Halloween party at your home, you may want to consider putting your cat in a confined room that no one will access. This will ensure that your kitty is safe and won’t accidentally be allowed back outside by a careless party guest.