Your Cat's Health

Elevate your cat's well-being with expert advice on cat health. Explore solutions for common cat health problems and enhance your feline companion's vitality. Your guide to proactive cat health care!
Do fleas prefer to live on certain areas of a cat?
Taiwanese scientists investigated this question by using their bare hands to catch more than three thousand fleas from…
Your Cat's Health
Lymphoma in cats
Lymphoma is probably the most common of all feline cancers and affects cats of any age. It can be tricky for vets to…
Your Cat's Health
How do I choose cat insurance?
If the worst happens, having pet insurance to fall back on is vital. Here's some vital insurance advice.
Your Cat's Health
Conjunctivitis in cats
Cats use their eyes for much more than just vision. Whether greeting you with a slow blink or psyching out the…
Your Cat's Health
Is there a cure for colitis?
One of our readers has tried a new probiotic for their cats who were diagnosed with colitis...
Your Cat's Health
Why is my cat drinking so much?
Vet expert Aga Zoltowska advises a your cat reader on why her cat has started to drink much more water than usual...
Your Cat's Health
My cat needs to lose weight!
Aga Zoltowska advises the best way to help a reader's cat to lose weight...
Your Cat's Health
What is a cat-bite abscess?
Spring is when most cats peel themselves away from their favourite radiator to spend more time outdoors.
Your Cat's Health
How do vets predict how old a cat is?
Have you ever wondered what signs a vet looks for when predicting the age of a cat? Our expert shares their advice...
Your Cat's Health