Your Cat's Health
Elevate your cat's well-being with expert advice on cat health. Explore solutions for common cat health problems and enhance your feline companion's vitality. Your guide to proactive cat health care!
Dental problems and gingivitis
It's really important that you keep an eye on your cat's dental health. Dental problems and gingivitis are considered…
How to care for your cat's teeth
Do you know if your cat needs dental treatment? Here are some signs of bad dental hygiene in cats...
Is my cat overweight or just cuddly?
A chubby cat is not a happy cat, but how can you tell if your cat is overweight or obese? We find out.
How do I groom my cat properly?
Unsure how to groom your cat's coat properly? Read our advice from top cat groomer Alison Rogers.
How can I protect my cat from fleas?
We look at the various ways to eliminate these fleas from your cat, and how to prevent them from returning.
Does my cat have diabetes?
Is your cat drinking more than usual? Is he weak and lethargic? Your cat might be suffering from diabetes.
Is chocolate poisonous to cats?
Is chocolate is poisonous to cats? It's always tempting to treat your cat, whether it's Easter, a birthday, or…
Caring for a cat with arthritis
Find out how to care for a cat with arthritis. Our expert gives you essential information about arthritis in cats, and…
Why is my cat scratching himself?
If your cat is scratching himself he may have fleas, allergies or a skin condition. Read on to find out why you cat is…