Your Cat's Health
Elevate your cat's well-being with expert advice on cat health. Explore solutions for common cat health problems and enhance your feline companion's vitality. Your guide to proactive cat health care!
Does my cat have fleas?
Are you worried your cat might have fleas? Here's our advice on how to know if your cat does have fleas, where they can…
How can I prevent my cat from getting hairballs?
For some owners, feline furballs can be a big problem. Find out more about how you can stop your cat from getting…
Can cats get cancer?
Are you worried that your cat might have cancer? Read all about how cancer is diagnosed in cats, and how your cat can be…
Why does my cat’s breath smell?
Why does my cat's breath smell? Ever been close to your cat and thought his breath smelt awful? Here's why your cat's…
Why does my cat dribble?
Have you noticed that your cat is starting to dribble? Find out why your cat is dribbling.
Is stress making my cat lose his fur?
Fur loss is most commonly caused by 'over-grooming', where the cat excessively licks the hair.
How herbs can help your cat
Herbalism has been integral to the medical traditions of cultures in China and India. Vet Holly Mash discusses how herbs…
Why do black flecks appear on my cat's chin?
The hair follicles on some cats' chins can produce excessive sebaceous material and keratin, says Vet Nikki Gaut...
How to give your cat a health check
Take the time to give your cat a thorough health check, both at home and at the vets, says Dr Bradley Viner...