Cat Care and Advice
Free expert cat advice, from kitten care to older cats, indoor cat advice and plenty more. Your Cat wants to make every cat a happy cat!
Cat School: Teach your cat to high five
Cat School’s Julie Posluns explains how to teach your cat to high five.
Cat School: Teach your cat to go into their carrier
Cat School’s Julie Posluns explains how to teach your cat to sit calmly inside their carrier.
Cat School: Teach your cat to fist bump
Ever wondered if you can train your cat to give you a fist bump? Cat School’s Julie Posluns explains how to teach your…
Can I teach my cat tricks?
Ever wondered if can teach your cat tricks? We meet the behaviourist who says it is possible and is good for your cat.
Can you teach an indoor cat to go outdoors?
Do you want to introduce your indoor cat to the outdoors? Here's how you can teach an indoor cat to go outside...
Do cats go grey as they get older?
Ever wondered if the colouring of your cats’ fur will change as they get older? Here’s our advice about whether cats go…
Can cats be allergic to dogs like humans can be?
Ever wondered whether your cat might be allergic to your dog? Here's our advice on whether cats can be allergic to dogs…
Can cats eat raw chicken?
Have you ever thought about giving your cat a piece of raw chicken? Nutrition expert Clare Hemmings shares her advice on…
What is the difference between kitten food and adult food?
Here, we take a look at what the difference is between the ingredients in kitten food and adult cat food.